Saturday, 24 September 2011

24 September 2011

I managed to get the rest of my Mamiya negatives scanned in and uploaded to Flickr. I could really do with upgrading this scanner sooner rather than later. The Epson 4490 is a really decent scanner but I can only scan 2 Medium Format negatives. With the Epson V700/V750 you can scan up to 6, which makes life easier. I think it's time to order one next month to correspond with me attempting to develop my own negatives. I've watched the videos, now it's time to walk the walk, shoot some film and have a go :) All the following photographs were taken using a Mamiya 645 Pro with either a 45mm/2.8, 110mm/2.8 or 210mm/4 Mamiya Sekkor Lens and scanned in using an Epson 4490 flatbed scanner.

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