Wednesday, 21 September 2011

21 September 2011

I got some negatives back from Snap photo today which were a mixture of Fuji Provia 100F and Ilford Delta 100. It was the first time I'd shot using my Mamiya 645 Pro along with the AE finder. Out of the 3 rolls of film, I probably had 3 shots where it got the exposure wrong. Not bad at all as all the rest were spot on exposure wise. The location was at the woods in Ynysmaengwyn and at Dolgoch Falls.  All negative were scanned using an Epson 4490. Hoping to get the Epson V750 or V700 in the next couple of weeks.

Mamiya 645 Pro, Sekkor 45mm/F2.8, Fuji Provia 100F

Mamiya 645 Pro, Sekkor 45mm/F2.8, Fuji Provia 100F

Mamiya 645 Pro, Sekkor 45mm/F2.8, Fuji Provia 100F

Mamiya 645 Pro, Sekkor 45mm/F2.8, Fuji Provia 100F

Mamiya 645 Pro, Sekkor 45mm/F2.8, Fuji Provia 100F

Mamiya 645 Pro, Sekkor 110mm/F2.8, Ilford Delta 100

Mamiya 645 Pro, Sekkor 110mm/F2.8, Ilford Delta 100

Mamiya 645 Pro, Sekkor 110mm/F2.8, Ilford Delta 100

Mamiya 645 Pro, Sekkor 210mm/F4, Fuji Provia 100F

Mamiya 645 Pro, Sekkor 45mm/F2.8, Fuji Provia 100F

Mamiya 645 Pro, Sekkor 45mm/F2.8, Fuji Provia 100F

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