Thursday, 21 July 2011

21 July 2011

Got my 3 rolls of film back developed and decided to scan in the roll of Ilford Pan F 50 film using my old Epson 4490 Scanner. I would love to get a designated scanner but for the amount of film I shoot it's not worth it. In the near future though I will look into purchasing either a Canon 9900f or Epson V700 scanner. This old 4490 didn't do bad a job though to be fair considering it's approximately 4-5 years old. Here are some of my favorite scans. All photo's taken using a Nikon F100 along with a Nikon 50mm 1.8 lens. I still have an affinity to film photography and I am  as yet still unable to find an action or reproduce the look and feel of film black and white images with a digital camera :)

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