Sunday, 26 June 2011

26th June 2011

Finally got my roll of Ektar back from development. I recently purchased a Nikon F100 along with a Tokina 20-35mm to try out some landscape film shots plus a few portraits. At the moment I'm using an old Epson 4490 scanner to scan the negatives. It does a pretty decent job even though it's a good few years old. I would like to get the new Epson V700 scanner as the review says it's right up there with a designated film scanner for image quality scans.  However, at the moment I don't have £400 spare to invest into one.

I'm finding that my home scans are coming out a bit better than a lab scanned image. I think the reason is down to the lab using 'auto' on all it's scans which can lead to some blowing out of the whites and loosing detail in clouds etc.

Here are a few of the results using the combination of the Nikon F100 along with the Tokina 20-35mm. The portraits were with the F100 and 85mm 1.8 AF-D lens.

Nikon F100, Nikon 85mm 1.8 AF-D, Kodak Ektar

Nikon F100, Nikon 85mm 1.8 AF-D, Kodak Ektar

Nikon F100, Nikon 85mm 1.8 AF-D, Kodak Ektar

Nikon F100, Tokina 20-35mm, Kodak Ektar

Nikon F100, Tokina 20-35mm, Kodak Ektar

Nikon F100, Tokina 20-35mm, Kodak Ektar

Nikon F100, Tokina 20-35mm, Kodak Ektar

Nikon F100, Tokina 20-35mm, Kodak Ektar

Nikon F100, Tokina 20-35mm, Kodak Ektar

Nikon F100, Tokina 20-35mm, Kodak Ektar

Nikon F100, Tokina 20-35mm, Kodak Ektar

Nikon F100, Tokina 20-35mm, Kodak Ektar

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